Monday, January 03, 2005

a Tsunami thought

It is such an incredible feeling to know we have so much materialistically - so much that suddenly becomes invaluable and meaningless - compared to those who lost everything in the tsunami. How can we feel well when we look around and have so much when those who had just a little something now have nothing at all. Nothing.
It makes me want to shed it all, to have less, to feel unclutered, to start anew.
It really makes me want to take all of them in and share with those who are left with nothing. There is a stabing ache inside of the helplessness in not being able to be a part of lending a hand, solving someone's loss and heartache. Of not being there to help.
It is one thing to never have so not to know. But quite a different thing to have had a
little something and now suddenly not have one single thing in life.


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